Đây là tổng hợp các từ vựng trong form N 400 khi khai bạn cần phải hiểu, và cần thuộc một số từ vựng trong đó vì trong quá trình phỏng vấn các officer phỏng vấn sẽ hỏi bạn một số câu trong mục N400 này.
Phần từ vựng được chia ra thành 6 phần theo tuần tự AlphaB
Phần 1 - A,B
Phần 2 - C,D
Phần 3 - E,F,G&H
Phần 4 - I,J,K,L,M,&N
Phần 5 -O&P
Phần 6 - R,S,T,V,&W
Phần 1 - A,B
Phần 2 - C,D
Phần 3 - E,F,G&H
Phần 4 - I,J,K,L,M,&N
Phần 5 -O&P
Phần 6 - R,S,T,V,&W
Phần 1 - A,B
Phần 2 - C,D- Accommodation: a change in the way something is done for you in order to help you.
- Acquired citizenship: citizenship given to children born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent.
- Adjudication: a final decision on a legal matter or a court case.
- Allegiance: loyalty to a person, country, or belief.
- Alimony: money that you have to pay regularly to your former wife or husband after a divorce.
- Annulled: something officially and legally ended as if it had never happened.
- If applicable: if it affects you.
- Authorize the release of information: give permission to an individual, a group, or an organization to provide facts.
- Advocate: agree with and tell others about an idea.
- Arrested: taken to jail by the police.
- Bear arms: to own or use a gun.
- Bear true faith: to believe in and to follow.
- Blind: unable to see anything at all.
- Charge: when the police give a formal statement that you have done something illegal
- Children: sons and/or daughters
- Cite/citation: order to appear in court or pay a fine for doing something illegal
- Citizen: a person who owes allegiance to the U.S. government, is entitled to protection, and enjoys the highest level of rights given to a member of society. People become citizens through birth in the U.S. or its territories, through their parents, or through naturalization. Citizenship may not be taken away except for certain extraordinary reasons.
- Civilian: a person who is not in the military.
- Claim: to say that something is true.
- Combatant: using weapons (as in war); Noncombatant: not fighting.
- Commit a crime: do something illegal
- Confined to a mental institution: psychiatrist/ judge say you must stay here until you are better-a hospital for people with mental health problems.
You are unable to make decisions for yourself. - Convict: find someone guilty of a crime in a court of law.
- Country of Nationality: the country where you are currently a citizen or national.
- Crime: an action that breaks the law.
- Current: what is true right now.
- Defer: delay until a later date.
- Detain: deprive of freedom; take into confinement. Ex: detained by police.
- Declared mentally incompetent: judge/psychiatrist say that you are unable to make decisions for yourself due to mental problems.
- Delay: make something (your application) happen more
- Desert: leave the army without permission
- Detention facility: a jail or prison where people wait before they go to court and have a trial.
- Disability: a problem with your body or mind that prevents you from doing things that other people can do (for example blindness or deafness).
- Disability: a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for you to do things
- Divorce: legally stop being married
- Documentation: records or papers that show something is true
- Domestic: relating to things that happen inside a country
- Draft: when the government informs you that you must join the military for a period of time.
- Dual Citizenship: maintaining citizenship in 2 countries at the same time (U.S. and your country of origin).
Phần 3 - E,F,G&H
- Eligible: meet the requirements to be able to do something.
Ex: You must be at least 16 years old to be eligible apply for a driver’s license. - Exactly: the same way
- Evasion: the act of deliberately avoiding a duty or question
- Exemption: special permission not to do something
- Fail: not pass a test; not complete or do something. Examples: “I failed my driving test,”
- means “I did not pass.” “I failed to stop at the red light,” means “I did not stop.”
- Fail to file a tax return: not submit your income tax forms to the government
- False: not true.
- Fidelity: being faithful and loyal
- File a tax return: send tax papers to the government.
- Forcing sexual contact or relations: touching the male or female parts of the body
- when someone doesn’t want it, rape.
- Fraudulent: to make people believe a lie so you can get something you want.
- Gamble: pay money to guess who will win at sports or games so that you can try to get
- money. Can be legal, like the lottery or casinos, or illegal, like betting on drag racing, dog fights, etc…
- Gender: male or female
- Genocide: the systematic killing a whole group or race of people because of their religion, race, or other reason.
- Good moral character: behavior that is based on strong principles about what is right and wrong
- Guerrilla group: a group of people who use weapons against or attack the military, police or government.
- Habitual drunkard: someone who drinks too much alcohol and cannot think or act normally
- Hearing impaired: unable to hear well
- Height: how tall you are
Phần 1 - A,B
Phần 2 - C,D
Phần 3 - E,F,G&H
Phần 4 - I,J,K,L,M,&N
Phần 5 -O&P
Phần 6 - R,S,T,V,&W Phần 4 - I,J,K,L,M,&N
- Illegal gambling: gambling that is forbidden by the law; dog fighting, drag racing
- Immigration benefit: things that can help you because you are a documented
- immigrant, like being able to work and live in the United States.
- Immigration status: a person’s situation with the U.S. government
- Impairment: a physical or mental condition that limits your abilities
- Initial(s): the first letter(s) of a name, first, middle, last.
- Insurgent organization: a group of people that uses weapons to fight a government.
- Jail: a building where police take people who are arrested for breaking the law.
- Labor camp: a jail or prison where the prisoners have to do a lot of difficult work.
- Lawful permanent resident: a person who is living legally in the United States for an unlimited period of time; also known as a permanent resident alien, a resident alien permit holder, or a green card holder.
A LPR may travel in and outside of the U.S., but must not leave the U.S. for a single trip of over 12 months (one year, 365+ days). - Legally: allowed by law.
- Legally incompetent: can’t make decisions for yourself because you have mental problems.
- Lie: to say things that are not true.
- Marital Status: whether you are legally married, single, divorced or widowed.
- Married: having a husband or wife. This means legally married. You can be legally married even if you don’t currently live with your husband or wife.
- Mental institution: a hospital for people with mental health problems.
- Military unit: a group of people that work for a government to fight in a war; they may do this work on land, in boats or in airplanes.
- Militia: an army that does not work for a government.
- Misleading: causes a person to believe something that is not true to get something that you want.
- Misrepresentation: to lie about who you are or something you did so that you can get something you want.
- Narcotics: any illegal or unlawfully possessed drug, including heroin, cocaine,
- Noncombatant: not fighting.
- Nonresident: a person who does not live in a specific place.
- Oath: A solemn promise, usually invoking a divine witness, regarding your future acts or behavior
ex: they took the oath of allegiance. - Oath of Allegiance: a formal and serious promise to be loyal to the U.S. and defend the Constitution
- Obtain: to get something.
- Occupy: to take over and control a place by military force
- Occupation: your job or profession.
- Overdue: late; late in being done. Ex: bills, utility bills, rent payment, taxes.
- Overthrow: to remove a leader or government from power by using force.
- Owe: have a debt; be required to pay. Examples: “I got a loan from the bank.
- Now I owe the bank $500.” “I need to pay my credit card bill. I owe $215.”
- Paramilitary unit: a group of people who act like the military, but do not work for a government.
- Parole: (law) a conditional release from imprisonment that entitles the person to serve the remainder of the sentence outside the prison as long as the terms of release are complied with.
- Perform noncombatant services: do work with the Armed Forces that does not involve fighting.
- Perform work of national importance: do work that is important to the country.
- Penalty: punishment
- Perform work of national importance: do work that is important to the country.
- Persecute: to hurt someone badly, or unfairly, often because of their religion or political beliefs.
- Perjury: the crime of telling a lie under oath.
- Potentate: a ruler with direct power over his or her people.
- Prior: earlier
- Previous: happening before now
- Prison: a building where criminals must stay as punishment for breaking the law.
- Police unit: a group of people who work for a government to catch people who break the law.
- Prevent: stop someone from doing something or stop something from happening.
- Prison camp: a jail or prison for enemy soldiers or other military during a war.
- Probation: (law) a way of dealing with offenders without imprisoning them; a defendant found guilty of a crime is released by the court without imprisonment subject to conditions imposed by the court.
Ex: they have to meet w probation officers and behave. - Public benefit: money from the government for things that can help you such as food stamps, housing assistance, or Social Security payments.
Phần từ vựng được chia ra thành 6 phần theo tuần tự AlphaB
Phần 1 - A,B
Phần 2 - C,D
Phần 3 - E,F,G&H
Phần 4 - I,J,K,L,M,&N
Phần 5 -O&P
Phần 6 - R,S,T,V,&W
Phần 1 - A,B
Phần 2 - C,D
Phần 3 - E,F,G&H
Phần 4 - I,J,K,L,M,&N
Phần 5 -O&P
Phần 6 - R,S,T,V,&W
Phần 6 - R,S,T,V,&W.
- Rebel group: a group of people who fight a government or other group with power.
- Register: sign up and put your name on an official list
- Removal, exclusion, and deportation proceedings: the formal process that happens when a non-citizen must leave the United States because the government believes the person is not entitled to be in the country, is illegally in the country, or has violated immigration laws.
- Renounce: say publicly that you no longer believe in or support something. Ex: government in your country of birth.
- Resident: a person who lives in a specific place. Ex: R.I. resident, MA resident.
- Residence: where you live; your home.
- Selective Service: an agency of the U.S. government that requires that all male U.S. citizens register with the government within 30 days of their 18th birthday in the event of a national emergency; foreign males between the ages of 18 and 25 living in the United States must also register.
- Sign language interpreter: a person who uses hand signs to translate for applicants who are deaf or hearing impaired
- Single: not married now and never married before.
- Self-defense unit: a group of people who work to protect a place if another group comes to fight them with weapons.
- Smuggle: to secretly and illegally bring something into or out of a state or country.
Ex: drugs, weapons, people. - Spouse: the person you are married to; your husband or wife.
- Terrorist: a person or organization that uses violent actions against ordinary people or a government.
- Title of nobility: a position of royalty like a King or Queen, Prince or Princess.
- Torture: badly hurt someone for punishment or to get information.
- Totalitarian: a political system in which the people have no power and are controlled by the government.
- Vigilante unit: a group of people who act like the police, but are not the police.
- Waiver: an official written statement saying you don’t have to do something.
- Weapon: something used to fight such as a gun, knife, or bomb.
- Weight: how much you weigh (Note: pounds are used in the United States for weight)
- Widowed: your marital status if your husband or wife died and you have not married again (widow, f; widower, m).
Phần 1 - A,B
Phần 2 - C,D
Phần 3 - E,F,G&H
Phần 4 - I,J,K,L,M,&N
Phần 5 -O&P
Phần 6 - R,S,T,V,&W
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