
Double Five Festival in Vietnam’s Tradition

Double Five Festival in Vietnam happens on the 5th day of 5th lunar month. This festival is also called Happy Half New Year holiday. The festival is celebrated on the same day for the same reason as some other Asian countries, such as Korea, China, and Thailand.
On the Double Five Festival day, my family celebrates this holiday by worshiping Heaven and Earth, enjoying food together, and taking a sauna with herbal medicine.

What is the legend of Double Five Festival’s day? Vietnamese farmers celebrate the harvest on this day. The legend of this festival is that a long time ago, when the farmers were celebrating a happy day for a bumper crop, suddenly too many insects came and destroyed all their crops. The famers were helped by an old man. Farmers were also taught to offer cakes and fruits to the Heavens and Earth. After worship, insects died, and that day was chosen to worship the Heaven and Earth. Furthermore, the festival means avoiding insects that could sabotage their harvest, and kill all disease inside their bodies.

On that day, every member in my family prepares for the celebration with different mission. My mother goes to the super market to buy some traditional holiday cakes, such as Banh Tro which is made from glutinous rice flour dipped in lye. She also purchases Com Ruou which is made from fermented glutinous rice. Finally, she buys some kind of fruit and incense. By the same way, my brother has to clean the ancestral altar. My sister in law cooks while my mother prepares for worship. I always have a special responsibly of cooking the herbal medicine for the sauna. At 11:00 AM, my mother starts to worship. Then at the exact time of noon, 12:00 PM, everybody must go outside to look straight at the sun and blink their eyes in thirty seconds to avoid contagious red eyes disease, and then we will eat.

After worship, we start eating. It’s my favorite time because I like to eat Tro cakes and Com Ruou. As we are enjoying the delicious food, my family’s stories can be heard by my mother. My brother is given some advice by my mother while he presents his success and failures of the half year. On my turn, I often ask my mother and older brother to give me their advice for my education and business. At the end of discussion, everybody enjoys the herbal sauna, which I cooked in the morning, and then everybody can go outside to enjoy their own hobbies.

In conclusion, holiday can bring a chance for family members to get together. Double Five Festival day taught farmers to believe in Heaven and Earth as they were scared by insects that destroyed their crops. Today that day is one of the traditional holidays in Vietnam. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is my favorite holiday that my family celebrates together.

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